Wednesday 17 September 2008

No charges will be filed against Joseph Calanchini he had the weapons because he was going on a hunting safari in South Africa.

No charges will be filed against a man who carried guns into a Denver hotel where U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stayed during the Democratic National Convention.
A criminal case against Joseph Calanchini, 28, of Pinedale, Wyo., is "closed," said Robin Finnegan of the Denver district attorney's office. Calanchini was arrested Aug. 23 when police found him carrying two rifles and two handguns in the lobby of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. He was held in the Denver jail on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon. The day of his arrest, Pelosi was briefly evacuated from the hotel. Calanchini told authorities he had the weapons because he was going on a hunting safari in South Africa.


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