Saturday, 9 February 2008

Edwin G. Edgley, 54, was arrested on suspicion of two counts of second-degree assault-domestic violence.

Edwin G. Edgley, 54, was arrested on suspicion of two counts of second-degree assault-domestic violence.
Edgley's family members told deputies that he pointed a semiautomatic pistol at his wife and adult son and threatened to shoot everyone who got in the way of his shooting another adult son who was not at the house.
At around 8:30 p.m., deputies, along with members of the Tactical Detective Unit, the regional SWAT team and a tracking dog team, surrounded the house.
Edgley's wife and son had left the house, at 6511 N.E. 73rd Court, but Edgley remained inside. According to a sheriff's office bulletin, Edgley reportedly had access to a high-powered rifle and was making suicidal threats.
The sheriff's office hostage negotiator convinced Edgley to leave the house at 9:34.
Edgley then tried to run back inside the house, according to the bulletin. He was then arrested and taken to Southwest Washington Medical Center for injuries described as


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