Saturday, 19 January 2008

Hrant Dink

Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink to be brought to justice, a year after he was gunned down in a murder which shocked Turkey.
An ultra-nationalist gunman shot Dink outside his office in Istanbul on Jan 19, 2007. The subsequent investigation has triggered claims police failed to act on warnings his life was in danger.
Amid tight police security and mournful music, people laid red carnations at the spot in central Istanbul where he was killed. A huge photograph of Dink was hung from the office of his Armenian newspaper Agos for the commemoration ceremony.
"We are at the pavement where they tried to clean his blood with soap," Dink's wife Rakel said in an emotionally-charged speech from the office balcony. "You are here for justice today. A scream for justice rises from your silence."
Ankara has vowed to prosecute all those responsible for Dink's killing. Nineteen suspects are on trial. The next hearing is on Feb. 11.
Amnesty International urged Turkey on Friday to widen the investigation into his death and the media called for the alleged complicity of security officials to be fully probed.
"The killer state will be called to account," many in the crowd of several thousand chanted.
"For Hrant, For Justice," said black-and-white placards, in Turkish, Armenian and other languages, held aloft by the crowd as they marked a minute's silence at the moment he was shot.


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