Friday, 11 January 2008

Bullet burst through the wall

A bullet burst through the wall of a home north of London during an apparent drive-by shooting Thursday and grazed the leg of an 8-year-old boy.

“I mean, it just nicked the boy on the upper [right] leg,” Tulare County Sheriff’s Lt. Darrel Yandell said.
The wounded boy was taken by ambulance to Kaweah Delta Hospital where he was treated and released.
Yandell said the shooting happened shortly before 6 p.m. north of Avenue 384 and Road 64.
Deputies received a report of somebody with a bullet wound there, and after arriving at the rural home, they determined that one or more people fired at the house from outside, Yandell said.
Investigators had no description of the vehicle involved or who might have been in it, nor had it been determined if the shooting was gang related, he added.


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